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Fields of Battle Supplement 1

Fields of Battle: Primitive Combat

Can I play cards on an opponent's turn?

Not unless the card says you can, such as with the text "can be activated at any time".

If we play by alternate rules do we have follow all of them?

No, you can pick and choose which alternate rules to play by. But all players in the game should follow the same rules.

Can a unit move the same turn it is deployed?


Do I have to use all of a unit's mobility?


Can I move a unit a little, move another unit, then move the first unit again?

As long as you don't move a unit beyond its mobility limit, yes you can break up movements. Keep track of what you are doing.

Can I use more than 14 dice?

As long as all playes use the same quantity of dice, yes. Make sure your dice are a different color from all of your opponents' dice.

Can I play a card even if I can't pay it's cost? I just want it in my bank.

No. You cannot merely discard a card into your bank. You have to actually play it (meaning you are limited by the quota) and you must pay the costs of any played card.

Can I play a card knowing its effect will be wasted?

As long as you pay all costs associated with the effect, yes you can waste the card.

Is there a limit to the number cards I can hold in hand or have in my bank?

There is no limit for cards in hand or in the bank.

Are face down cards active?

No. Cards are "invested" when placed in the bank face down (paid for), and activated when turned face up. If an invested card has a cost you have to pay for it when placing it on the table.

Do I keep getting the effects of cards in my bank?

Not unless the card stays active. Field cards and Lasting cards stay active. Normal cards are a one-time effect.

Can I invest any card?

No. Place cards face down only if they say to do so. If you choose to play an investment card you MUST place it face down.

This game doesn't print well.

We have successfully printed this game at good quality on numerous printers, using normal printing paper. You may need to print the file at a higher quality. We recommend printing only in black and white.

Are HQ spaces elevated?

No. When moving across HQ spaces treat them as normal terrain.

Can I move dice to see what type of terrain they are on?

Yes, just move them back before you do anything else.

How many copies of these cards can I print?

As many as you want to. If you play a customized game (which is recommended) you may have only 50 cards in your deck.

How many field cards can be played?

Any number of field cards can be played in the game, but only the last Field card played is active. Once a Field card is deactivated it is dead until played from hand again (if ever), but it can still be used as part of a bank cost.

Do multiple units attack simultaneously?

No. All dice act one at a time for all actions.